As my favorite Holiday approaches I know people are getting excited about the awesome food that will sit before there eyes on Thanksgiving. The turkey, dressing, macaroni and cheese, greens, yams, green beans, sweet potatoe, peach cobbler oh my! Yessss it all sounds so delicious, and its so good that our eyes are become bigger then our stomach and we overindulge in everything. When we would normally have one serving we have two or three large plates throughout the day and nite. But unfortunately a lot of the food we eat doing Thanksgiving are loaded with fat and are high in calories, sodium and cholesterol. These are the foods that clogs your arteries and leave you with the itis(when you eat so much that you can not move and its time to sleep) at the end of the day. The average person consumes over 2000 calories on one plate of food. That's more then a large grown man should have in an entire day. There are many ways to add less calories to your food and have a lite thanksgiving but then it would be thanksgiving so I am not even going there.
Here are a few ways to help keep you from packing on the extra 10-15lbs this holiday season:
- Start working out now, there is no time like the presence to begin a workout routine. It gives you the jump start that you need in order to actually complete your new years resolution.
- Cut out all juice and soda, these are unnecessary empty calories
- Limit your alcohol intake as well (sorry i had to say it)
- Drink 3-4 glasses of water before you sit down and eat your meal
- Do not drink anything while you are eating, drink before or after your meal this helps break down the food faster in your system.
- Begin a healthy eating regime now, low carbs high protein is what I recommend
- Stop eating things that are white...white flour, noodles, sugar, bread, fried chicken(yes I said it) FRIED FOODS PERIOD.( you can treat yourself every now and then but this should not be apart of your daily diet)
- Try to make your food at home and avoid fast foods (this also helps save you money)
Try a few tips hopefully you will not be the one this season gaining the seasonal 10-15lbs. Happy Eating!
Yours Truly,
Dione Neal your,
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